

Our bodies and minds

Our Community

Our Community

Our friends and neighbors

Our Environment

Our Environment

The world around us

Our Resources

Our Resources

Time, money, and tools

Harmony Academy

Harmony Academy is a technology-integrated institute of learning for the children, youth, and young adults of San Pedro, Belize. It is currently in the planning stages.

Our mission is to provide an educational environment, inclusive to all, that equips individuals for enduring fulfillment and real-world success.

We build on the four pillars - ourselves, our community, our environment, and our resources. This is done with technology-integration, where we endeavor to apply the most effective available technologies to all learning.

Pillar Ourselves


We learn about our internal world to increase our sense of inner peace, strength, awareness, understanding, confidence, resilience, and creativity. We care for our physical bodies with diet and exercise.

Our Community

We learn about getting along with others, being a strong community member and contributor, and living at peace with everyone we encounter. We experience team involvement and acceptance of everyone.

Pillar Our Community
Pillar Our Environment

Our Environment

We learn about the world around us, its plant and animal life, and how we can do our part to maintain, preserve, and expand ecological health.

Our Resources

We learn to manage the resources available to us, including financial literacy, time management, and effective maintenance of other physical resources.

Pillar Our Resources


Icon Three Schools


The academy is three schools in one

Icon Finances


Endowment, donors, & transparency

Icon Special Needs

Special Needs

We are all differently abled

Icon Discipline


Restorative just school

Icon Facilities


Site plan

Icon Rollout


We are in the planning Stages