
The academy’s goal is to provide all services tuition-free and fee-free. However, we acknowledge that this may be difficult, and may determine that those able to pay do pay tuition and fees, especially, but not only, for non-Belizeans.


The academy will actively raise funds, with a focus on fund-raising beyond the local community, from donors in the United States, Canada, and other countries.

The academy intends to establish a substantial endowment to provide for all basic and essential operating costs without requiring ongoing donations.

Individual Sponsors

Sponsorship opportunities will be available for students at all levels.

Business Sponsors

Local and country-wide businesses will sponsor individual areas of study as outsourced training for their future employees. For example, a hotel may sponsor the hospitality training and provide visiting teachers, to train students in a way that would make them valuable hirees for their hotel operation.

Businesses will also sponsor for brand recognition and community goodwill.

School Revenue

Older students will produce results salable by the school. At advanced ages, these revenues will be shared between the students provided goods and services, and the school - providing a healthy understanding of how a business shares results with its employees, but in a more transparent way.

For example, a student in the food and beverage track may work at the school’s community deli. Meals will be sold, and each student will receive a share of the proceeds. Students in the computer science track may develop the app that is used to track food sales, and a fee would be paid by the deli to be shared amongst these students. 

A student in the theater and music program will be part of theatrical and musical productions. These productions will have tickets sold in the community. The ticket sales will be shared between the school and the participating students.

Additionally, some students may be involved in internships or research projects. In these cases, a shared revenue is established where the beneficiary of the services is paying for tuition expenses at the same time as the student is receiving some monetary compensation.

Students should not consider income generating or incoming earning activities as their job - they are still students. Their share would be insufficient to support independent living. Rather, these opportunities serve as a training and feeder mechanism to provide them job skills and learn about how their skills contribute to the bottom line (the pillars of community and resources).

Financial Transparency

It is worth noting that many Central American endeavors lose the support of our North American neighbors because of opacity in financial matters. Many of the interested donors and supporters of the academy are planning to redirect their contributions from other entities because of previous misappropriation by those entities. While this is indeed beneficial for the academy, we have a sacred trust to use all funds provided in a manner consistent with our mission and the betterment of Belize and Belizeans. Harmony Academy will commit to financial transparency immutably in its bylaws. All income, expenses, investments, and reserves will be completely transparent to the maximum extent allowed by law.


Our pillars mandate a broad environment of non-discrimination to all. This extends to the ability to pay tuition and fees. A student’s ability to pay will not be a factor in admissions; it is the duty of the academy to raise sufficient funds to accomplish this - and by the grace of God, we will.

Icon Three Schools


The academy is three schools in one

Icon Finances


Endowment, donors, & transparency

Icon Special Needs

Special Needs

We are all differently abled

Icon Discipline


Restorative just school

Icon Facilities


Site plan

Icon Rollout


We are in the planning Stages